Senin, 24 Juni 2024

Koops Habema's Purple Baret Troop Helps the Economy of the "Rosita" People in Yahukimo

PAPUA, – The Task Forces of the Infantry Battalion 6 Marines, is part of the Indonesian Armed Forces Operational Command (Koops TNI) Habema, which carrying out the mobile security at the border of Indonesia and Papua New Guinea, especially in the Yahukimo Regency area, Papua Pegunungan Province. On Monday, 24 June 2024, the 6 Marine Task Forces carried out routine security patrols in the Dekai District. During the patrol, Soldiers from the 6 Marine Task Forces had an opportunity to cross the Dekai Market and carried out the Rosita (Buy up Farming Products) program to the Dekai residents who were selling their farming products in the market.
Through the direction of the Commander of the 6 Marine Task Forces, Lieutenant Colonel Rismanto Manurung, that it is mandatory for soldiers to help the people’s difficulties when carrying out the main task of protecting the assigned area. Therefore, on that Monday, the Soldiers took advantage of their patrol time by helping the local community's economy, especially those who selling their own farming products.

By prioritizing the security, the Soldiers had the opportunity to interact and to communicate with the sellers. Using their own pocket money, the Soldiers bought and brought the farming products traded that morning. Responding to the Rosita program, the sellers were very happy because their farming products was sold out. Before leaving the area, the Soldiers gave a message while motivating the sellers to continue to be enthusiastic about farming so that the results could later be sold and benefit other people.

"The initiative of the Soldiers of the 6 Marine Task Forces to help sellers of farming products in the Dekai District, Yahukimo, is a role of the TNI in supporting efforts to accelerate development in the Papua region," said the Habema Commanding General, Brigadier General Lucky Avianto, upon receiving the program report.


Autentikasi: Dansatgas Media KOOPS HABEMA, Letkol Arh Yogi Nugroho

Rep. Zey
Editor. Nyoto

Habema Soldiers Worked in Synergy with Mbua Citizens to Maintain Security in The Papua Region

PAPUA, – The Indonesian Armed Forces Operational Command (Koops TNI) Habema is active in securing the Papua region of which is under its responsibility. The Task Forces of the Para Raider Infantry Battalion 432/Waspada Setia Jaya Kostrad, one of the military units under the command of the Habema, is currently carrying out the mobile security at the border of Indonesia and Papua New Guinea, especially in Nduga Regency area, Papua Pegunungan Province. On Monday, 24 June 2024, the 432 Task Forces held activities with residents of the Mbua District in an effort to maintain security in the respective area.
The Mbua Post Commander, First Lieutenant Fahrizal, directly led the implementation of synergy activities with the Mbua residents this time. The good faith shown by the Mbua Post Soldiers was enthusiastically welcomed by the residents who were coordinated by local religious leaders, namely Pastor Johanes. The joint activity is carried out through inspection of every vehicle and their goods, of which using the connecting road between the Nduga Atas area and the Mbua District. The checkpoint is at the entrance to Mbua Village, which is the capital of Mbua District and is also the gateway for vehicle traffic from the Nduga Atas area towards Nduga Bawah region.

This form of security activity in the Mbua area is regularly held as a form of togetherness and synergy between the 432 Task Forces and the local residents. During the implementation of this activity, there was also harmonious communication interaction between the TNI Soldiers and the Mbua residents, which then resulted in a close relationship between the two parties.

The regional security activities that have been held by the 432 Task Forces in the Mbua District is a realization of the TNI's commitment to carrying out security support in the Papua region. This is in line with the Presidential Instruction to the TNI Commander as stated in Presidential Instruction Number 9 of 2020 concerning the Acceleration of Welfare Development in Papua, including providing security support in the context of accelerating welfare development in Papua.

"The 432 Task Forces which successfully involves the synergy of local residents in conducting regional security activities in the Mbua District is an implementation of the TNI's task of providing security support, as an effort to accelerate the development of Papua," said the Habema Commanding General, Brigadier General Lucky Avianto, upon receiving the program report.


Autentikasi: Dansatgas Media KOOPS HABEMA, Letkol Arh Yogi Nugroho

Rep. Zey
Editor. Nyoto

Kades Ganggang PanjangTanggulangin Lantik Dua Perangkat Desa

M Adenan Kepala Desa Ganggang Panjang Kecamatan Tanggulangin pada Senin  24 Juni 2024 PKL 20.00 wib secararesmi melantik dan mengambil sumpah dua perangkat desa (kasun) baru yang akan mengisi jabatan sebagai Kasun Ganggang malang dan Kasun Balepanjang

Kedua Kasun tersebut berhasil melewati beberapa tahapan dan menyisihkan para pesaingnya pada seleksi perangkat yang digelar beberapa waktu lalu.

Dalam acara Pelantikan yang diadakan di pendopo Desa Ganggang Panjang tersebut dihadiri anggota Forkopimka Tanggulangin, Pemdes, BPD serta tokoh agama ,tokoh masyarakat.

Kepala Desa Ganggang Panjang M Adenan menjelaskan kepada perangkat desa atau kedua kasun yang baru yaitu M Mauludin Febriansah Kasun Ganggangmalang dan  Yani pujo Santoso sebagai Kasun Balepanjang dan sebagai Kasun yang baru saja dilantik harus segera beradaptasi dengan lingkungan kerja dan juga masyarakat.

“Untuk jabatan yang baru sebagai Kasun Secepatnya harus bisa menyesuaikan dengan perangkat desa lainnya dan juga pendekatan serta menjalin silaturahmi untuk menjalankan tugas sesuai dengan tupoksinya,” ucap M Adenan.(Zeey)

Cegah Penyebaran Demam Berdarah, Kodim 0830/Surabaya Utara Dan Koramil Jajaran Lakukan Fogging

Radar Publik

Surabaya, - Guna mengantisipasi penyebaran penyakit Demam Berdarah, Kodim 0830/Surabaya Utara bekerjasama dengan Denkesyah 05.04.04 Surabaya melakukan kegiatan fogging atau pengasapan yang berlangsung di Makodim 0830/Surabaya Utara dilanjutkan ke Makoramil jajaran, Senin (24/6).

Menanggapi peralihan musim saat ini, banyak ditemui perkembangan nyamuk dari biasanya. Untuk itu guna mengantisipasi timbulnya penyakit Demam Berdarah yang dibawa oleh nyamuk aedes aegypti maka perlu dilakukan tindakan pencegahan, salah satunya dengan pengasapan atau lebih dikenal dengan Fogging.

Dalam pelaksanaannya, seluruh ruang perkantoran, gudang maupun asrama anggota baik Kodim dan Koramil tak luput dari pengasapan. Terutama gorong-gorong ataupun parit yang berpotensi tinggi akan tumbuhnya jentik nyamuk aedes aegypti.

Pasiops Kodim Mayor Inf Heri Susanto saat mendampingi petugas fogging mengatakan, bahwa fogging dengan obat (pestisida) yang sudah dianjurkan dinilai efektif untuk membunuh nyamuk aedes aegypti yang menjadi faktor utama penyakit DBD.

"Fogging ini sendiri merupakan upaya preventif yang perlu dilakukan untuk mengantisipasi adanya kasus DBD yang disebabkan oleh nyamuk Aedes Aegypti, khususnya di wilayah Makodim dan Koramil jajaran Kodim 0830/Surabaya Utara," tuturnya.

Upaya fogging hanyalah salah satu langkah pencegahan, sebaiknya para anggota Makodim dan Babinsa juga berperan aktif dalam menjaga kebersihan lingkungan dengan menerapkan pola 3M yaitu menguras, menutup dan mengubur. 

"Saya juga menyarankan kepada anggota Makodim dan Babinsa, bila perlu mengkonsumsi vitamin serta rutin berolahraga untuk menjaga kondisi tubuh agar tetap sehat," pungkasnya.

Rep. Zey
Editor. Nyoto

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